10/01/2020: Meetup with Lecturers
- Time: 16:00 - 16:45
- Attendees: Mohammad Zandpour, Vasilena Kisova, Daniela Shopova, Eva Jobst, Christoph Derndorfer, Lukas Lang
- Agenda: Defining last steps as the project is coming to an end
- Documentation: [PDF] [ODT]
29/11/2019: Meetup with Lecturers
- Time: 14:35 - 15:00
- Attendees: Mohammad Zandpour, Vasilena Kisova, Daniela Shopova, Eva Jobst, Christoph Derndorfer, Lukas Lang
- Agenda: Bringing lecturers up-to-date with our progress & defining next steps
- Documentation: [PDF] [ODT]
- Time: 19:00 - 20:35
- Attendees: Mohammad Zandpour, Vasilena Kisova, Eva Jobst
- Agenda: Updating proposal, discussing candidate for our first article & developing a method to split up work
- Documentation: [PDF] [ODT]
08/11/2019: Meetup with Lecturers
- Time: 14:00 - 14:45
- Attendees: Mohammad Zandpour, Vasilena Kisova, Daniela Shopova, Eva Jobst, Christoph Derndorfer, Lukas Lang
- Agenda: Gathering input from lecturers and defining next steps
- Documentation: [PDF] [ODT]